2019 Predictions - Cabinet Color Trends

We’re back with the third and final installment of our 2019 predictions series. Go back to check out our entries on kitchen design trends and manufacturing technology trends . Today we’re going to focus on cabinet color trends for 2019 – are white cabinets finally a thing of the past? Are colored cabinets in? What about mixed-materials? Check out what we found out about what colors will be hot in cabinets next year. White Kitchens are Over While a bright, white kitchen might be a timeless look, 2019 will see more color coming back into kitchen cabinets. According to Decoraid.com , we can expect to see darker, moodier cabinets going into kitchens in 2019 like black, navy, and dramatic green. Dark cabinets finished with gold or copper accents makes a grand statement in any kitchen. Photo courtesy of decoraid.com Natural Colors Sherwin William and Benjamin Moore both chose richer, earthier tones as 2019’s Colors of the Year so we can expect to see...