Since 1955, the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association has advocated on behalf of the cabinet industry and our members to help them protect their businesses. We know the industry because we are the voice of the industry.

We created this video to show all of the ways that KCMA works on behalf of our members, and the industry as a whole.

KCMA is on the front lines, representing the cabinet manufacturing industry on Capitol Hill and with Federal agencies.  We strive to influence regulatory and legislative issues that could have far reaching impacts on our members and the industry as a whole. KCMA regularly works on issues including but not limited to: formaldehyde, trade policy, worker safety, accurate product labeling, wood dust limits, labor shortages and many more.

We also work with other associations and public interest groups to advance the concerns of the cabinet manufacturing industry including: National Kitchen & Bath Association, American Institute of Architects, National Association of Home Builders, Safe & Sound Campaign, American Forest and Paper Association, American Chemistry Council and more.

While you’re busy running your business, KCMA is busy protecting it. Visit www.kcma.org to learn more about how we advocate for our members. Join KCMA today for a seat at the table.


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